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Stoughton October 20th 1946
Dear Doris. Nice + sunny day the thermometer 42 degrees at nine O'clock. Well we didn't expect Doris this weekend. Although we got lots of eats much more than we expected + and our bill didn't run up. Hamburg stake stew me at + two little slices of beefsteak with also, three kinds of vegetables bread two loaves, besides doughnuts, + we never know what he is going to send us. She saves us something nice + our bill was 5.72 she will make the meat go as long as possible. Doris liked our chicken stew ,so she told Norma she didn't tell us though. We missed her this weekend. Our lawn is covered with fallen leaves I hope they blow away they are very slippery one has to be very careful in walking where they are.
I have done my weekly wash + guess they will dry although there's not much air stirring. She has just got home from church + is getting our Sunday dinner. Gertrude was over to the old place moving more things over to their house the old hammock they had the Silver boy take it down she says its wonderful over there very pleasant.