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Stoughton October 16th 1946

I dont have to write any note for her to come out at the weekend so thats taken care of
70° now out on the porch

Dear Doris
We are having nice sunny weather no rain & moonlight nights. trees look wonderfully well. it would be nice to ride off through the byeways to see the deep foliage. Doris went there Sunday afternoon she thought she might attend a meeting Sunday night if she could make it. She sleeps in the north chamber with her window open wide & gets up & studies in the morning early, after she gets herself something to eat & then washes a few clothes. so far it's been pleasant weather to dry them. She called up Norma & Mabel on the phone & saw Helen Bullock & went over to see Maude so her time seemed to be all made up while she was home, after she mowed the grass on the front lawn. The leaves were on it, so she couldn't do any more of the lawn but it made it so the wind would blow them down street & not accumulate for the rest of the season. She says they are terribly warm in their college their rooms, so guess their will be well provided for this winter. the nights & mornings here are quite cool. So we turn on the heat so the bathroom will be warm in the morning. food is getting very scarce these days its imppossible [[impossible]] to get meat so we go without hope things will be