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where the glass doors are & the outside front screen door is.  so the winter storm wont rot out the new screen, that was put in when Sidney found the netting.  Doris came here about dark Saturday night after we had been to supper.  she went to a dance & the movies & wanted to go to bed soon after she eat her supper.  she did not show any signes [[signs]] of her cold, so guess you dont have to worry on that schore. she was hungry as a bear all the time she was here everything tasted good to her. chicken stew and winter squash and a good salad and for to top off (desert) we had indian pudding. she went down Sunday morning to the little stone and got two bottles of milk and eat a box of raisins between times. she was eating all the time she was here a very hearty girl so dont worry as she seemed perfectly well. love Ma