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Stoughton October 3rd 1946

Dear Doris

We are having a sudden change in the weather since the storm of Monday, the thermometer went from 70° down to 40° in twenty four hours with a terable [[terrible]] gale, which blew it into the house & made an awful cold day yesterday & all night, so I carried my stone to bed with ma which felt good & this morning we put the heat on to warm up our house, so now I am taking advantage of the warm room to write my letter in the front chamber. I hope this cold spell doesn't last long.

The plants we brought in yesterday afternoon, for fear of a frost, it was an awful job as each pot had to be washed & then she stood ready to take them in & set them in the bay window, so to day I have been arranging them where they get good sun if we ever get any, it clouds up through the day.

The Ballantines were to move Monday if it hadn't rained, so they didn't move until yesterday, they didn't have to hurry as the man who bought the place is in Florida & they are not going to move in, until the 1st of November, so I guess there are still some things they haven't