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taken lots of paines with him. he has lived longer than they generally do. Mr & Mrs Golden have gone on a vacation & their children are staying with relatives gone on their honey moon. the Ballentines told me as they couldn't go when they were married. Irene Swanson said her mother had gone on her honeymoon. she is just married to a 75 year old gentle man who has money. do you know the Episcopal minister Mr Bradner refused to marry them. she was Fanny Cameron over on Pleasant Street. Sidneys mother used to board with her a very nice woman every one knows. her daughter came here with the little son 8 years old, Monday night. little Roger thinks everything of me & always sends me a card when he goes to the shore or on holidays. he is my "little sweetheart". they call him a nice little boy. 
I was glad to hear you managed to get tires for your car, as you would need need them coming up so far. hope you have good rides down to the beach as you always used to have before the war & gas was so scarce. 
Since the day weather lawns are turning yellow & drying up glad its so hard to get anyone to cut the grass these days. We managed to get a fowl & some fish Friday vegetables are plentiful & bread not so scarce. so guess prices are going up on everything. I am sending along a postcard that came to day to Doris. love Ma