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anywhere else, its very handy. We got yesterday down at one Perdigaoes some Orcole, Fish a fowl & cheese, two loaves of bread,a cabbage, summer squashes, beets & cucumber, tomatoes & condensed milk; there. Mrs Barry went to see her dentist Friday coming home she stopped to the moving pictures & when she came out she & Blanche Hammond were going to have dinner together. she stood at the counter in the room they met & as she took out her handkerchief, she must have dropped her money & billfold. There was a little ragged dressed child who picked up something from the floor, afterwards she kept going out & coming back with candy & peanuts & throwing paper & shells down on the floor. she began to wonder where she got so many things to eat, a child so poorly dressed as she was. after she got home it all came to her, that was where her money went to. (ten dollars.) she happned to have a little change in her pocket, enough to get home, she felt bad in losing her billfold as it was a very expensive one & a present form her niece. that child will grow up a thief, for she must have seen her drop it & also hunting on the floor for it. after she picked it up. 
I am sending you Jimmie Lehans Obituary he lost his mind & went crazy, it runs in the family crazyness. his money was left to the son & family the wife is a congregational church member. 
Laura Gebhardt brought us another dozen of eggs. they were good large ones. Mrs Silver carried over a dozen to Ballentines they were not half as large as ours for twice that ammount. we appreciate Laura she has lots of customers-love Ma