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of the time its discouraging.

Tomorrow is the day she goes over to see about her teeth again. the lower set has always bothered her. she feels sorry they were ever removed. the uppers are all right. she never had any trouble at all with them. while she is in Brockton, s he will pay my oil heat bill. I had to have that fixed. he was over here several times before it was finally so it could be turned on. I believe they found it was caused by a broken wire. so of course the bill mounted up. coming over before they knew what caused it. lucky the weather wasn't freezing or it might have been worse. The radio man is coming to bring my radio fixings he carried home with him to have new parts put in, so it would go when we turned it on. at six O'clock to night when she will be here. he fixed hers up stairs while he was here. she will pay him for hers of course. They went to Marion Estens funeral Monday the house was packed everyone there. she belonged to many clubs & was anything but happy before she passed on. well I shall be glad when its time for you to come home & hope you get new tires before you start. love Ma