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Stoughton July 7th 1946

Dear Doris,

Another hot spell has come after a spell of cool days. Around 80° when I got up at 9 O'clock we thought we had better not make up the fire in the kitchen store, as there may be thunder showers later on.
Merril Hill did us a good job in putting on our screen doors. our sink drain stopped up so we had to have a man to fix it yesterday. it had to be cemented as it broke where it was filled up. I don't know was it will cost as he said Mr. Lindelof would sent in the bill. there's always something giving out, when you don't expect it. we couldn't get any wire netting for the back porch, so she fixed it with cloth those yellow curtains, we happened to have in the dining room drawer. they answer every purpose + don't look bad.
I was greatly pleased to have such a quiet fourth of July. it was cool + comfortable + there was entertainments for the children down on the schoolgrounds also firework at night I guess. They didn't interfere with my sleep. I have managed to do a little washing this morning + hung my clothes out back in the sun.
We managed to get some fish + five pounds of sugar + Oleomargarine + some plumbs for fruit and a loaf of bread she went down + rode home with Winnie after going to