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the movies. I am sending you a clipping of Marion Ostens death. She went crazy, they don't mention it though, I believe Jimmie Lehan lost his mind. They confined him but he broke loose & came home & gave them to understand he bought the house and he was going to live there. 

I put fertilizer around my tomatoes last Friday & right afterwards there came a shower & hope now they are all right. We tried to call up Turner but couldnt get him, so I managed to do the job. It made me perspire, but I had a little nap after it. So managed all right. They are looking all right & never have wilted since they were set out. 

The Towards dont seem to miss her there are several of them staying there. I see them coming in & out occasionally. I miss her as she was sitting out the greater part of her time. She came over in our front yard that same right she passed away. She was watching one squirrel. I was surpised to hear that they were Catholics. Gertrude Ballantine was over there the night she died & helpt them. She was listening in to the telephone with her husband when she was taken with a pain in her heart. & before they could get a doctor she passed on. 

I am glad you are going around so regularly & having good times. Hope you take lots of comfort. Glad you have found so many blackberries & hope you werent too badly scratched up & bitten by chiggers. Well this is all love Ma