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I am writing my letter up in the front chamber as I took out on the Old Stand pipe hill, there are a flock of hens that belong to the Silvers across the road feeding on the bare ground. it has been so long since they saw base ground no doubt it seems good to them.

The gutters today are really muddy for the first time for weeks. I hope the ice will all disappear. theres been so many accidents.  

I have just been to dinner she fried the codfish cheeks and they were very good, with baked potatoes and greens, baked bread pudding and picklelilly [[piccalilli]]. we shall have hard work to get food. I am afraid later on if we send so much across the way to starving nations. I was reading of their bringing the bodies of our dead soldiers to America of all things, that is the worst thing yet, they better help their families instead. I think those Episcopal ministers were sensible, who opposed such a wild idea. 

It being such a pleasant day I hope Blanche Hammond doesn't come up to see us tonight. her talk drives me wild and we are not in any condition to entertain her. when Bill comes I go off to bed and he dont come till late and stays late. hope by now you are all over your colds and can keep your house comfortable.

love ma