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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

[[image]] Congress L Smith stamp [[/image]]

Agent's office BRF & AL
Lexington NC Feb 2 1867

Peter Holt colored
Complains that John Lewis was bound to Dr. W. R. Holt without the consent of his relations his mothers being dead and his father is not in this country and the hands are the Plantation [[six?]] so he represents that this boy is not properly cared for and Peter being his uncle asks that the Indentured be rescinded and that he will take him and learn him the Blacksmith traid [[trade]] and send him to school.
I can say for Peter he is a study honest and hard working man and is of good character and I think will do more for John than Holt, for Holt by misfortune is not able to comply with the indenture.
W F Henderson
Agent BRF & AL

Transcription Notes:
tr Edited: added stamp image and filled in blank