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Transcription: [00:36:38]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker ?"}
That'd be the main difference in a rancher and a cowboy.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
I wonder if you kids have any questions, have you ever- have you ever been around cowboys before, real cowboys? Do you have any questions you've always wanted to ask a cowboy, about what it's like to be a cowboy? This is a discussion, and we invite any of your questions. Later on these fellows are going to be up singing and telling poetry and stories, but this is an opportunity to really ask some questions, and you've got some real experts up here.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker ?"}
Well one of the things in my time, you had to be- you had to be, you might say a veterinary, you might have to be in a way a kind of a blacksmith. You had to go up to the blacksmith's shop and set up your own shoes to shoe your horse, you had to know how to do that stuff.

Also, you had several different knots that you had to learn to tie [[?]], and stuff, so you had to be a jack of all trades I guess. A lot of this stuff they go buy already made up now, where we used to have to do it ourselves. That's changed an awful lot.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Any questions? Sir.

(inaudible question)

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The question is do cowboys carry guns, either a rifle or a six-shooter anymore, and what purpose are they used for?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker ?"}
Well I still do I don't know about the other boys. I hardly ever leave, well of course the past couple of years I haven't been straddling too many horses the last couple years, but I've done quite a lot of packin' with a pack string, and no I don't pack a gun - I'm afraid of somebody or anything like that.

You use it there's quite a lot of rattle snakes in north country, but once in a while you're workin' with stock you get one that's down that you know it ain't gonna get well, you got some way of killing it. If you're riding colts or broncs, I never did have to use one but the old timers, the foreman of the outfit that I used to work kind of took me under his wing, and I was packin' a 38 colt that I still own today,

And he said "what do you got there?" and I told him, he said "you get something a little bigger." He said "you might one of these days get hung upon one of these horses or something, and you might want to use it." Which I never did, but I can see what he was talking about - yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Any other opinion on that, on firearms?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker ?"}
Well, firearms I think is pretty much an individual want. When you're out there, it's hard to tell you folks that you've never experienced the vast country that's still out west. It's hard to experience the destitution you can feel when you're out there by yourself, or with a crew of men sometimes, a horseback, 15 miles from the nearest villa, and 60 miles from the nearest phone.

So, it's a feeling of security, and I carried a lot of them for 20 years, but I never had to use one for anything but looks. (laughter)

{SPEAKER name="Speaker ?"}
That's about it

{SPEAKER name="Speaker ?"}
But looks helps sometimes too.

(inaudible question)