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Transcription: [00:16:19]
We got a time problem. In a sentence, Honduras is becoming more controlled, influenced, by the US. Because it has more influenced by our security influence our refugees have greater difficulty. ANy place where there is a security interest of that sort makes it difficult for refugees. If you see what I mean by that connection. Because they are a displaced population that could be considered potentially a political threat whereas here in the united states. umm. If they were able to get papers here they would be in a much more stable circumstance. There is a lot more we can talk about in this, and I hope that we can continue this when we come back on the Wednesday discussion, but I, got five more minutes.Uh, you had a question yes. Indian town is in Florida. It's a fabulous uh ironic circumstance that the area named Indian Town after the seminal insides now has over 600 Mayans in it. The diverse cultural community of uhhh anglos, uh of hispancis, of uh indians of people from other cultural orgins. Have themselves stood up and said, "DOnt send our Mayas away." And have done so with such such uniformity uh uh uh such clarity, such strength that the immigration people have not really bothered the people in Indian town, even though they have not formally got their papers.And that is one of the reasons that we have the opportunity to have these people here. Is because the community of Indian Town said we want these Mayas to be here we don't want the immigration services to send them home. Everyone should keep a little place in their hearts for Indian town Floria which has really helped themselves. Who had a question here?