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Transcription: [00:04:21]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
She'll be speaking in the llokano language
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
{distant mumbles}
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Well everybody knows, I'm afraid everybody knows the lord's prayer. Each one of you, I believe you know. And I'm going to say this lord's prayer, but in my own language; because my people way back, after the gathering was finished, everybody was ready to go home, but my brother always said the lord's prayer for everybody that was there, so they could get home safely, safe and sound. So I'm gonna say the lord's prayer in my language
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, amen.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
[[Speaking another language unknown]]
[[audio file ends -- prayer in llokano language continues]]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}

Transcription Notes:
I cannot tell what she is saying after the first silence because it is so quiet