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So. Moutville Me. 
July 19th, 1865

Dear Colonel -   

You're of the 4th reached me just as I was leaving New York -Mr. Whipple was absent so that I could not see him - I have written him explaining to him your perception - asking him if the association will enforce my communication as "Superintendent of Schools" as you suggest, and asking him also whether he thinks I can do most good for the the cause, by accepting your offer to return to Fartrep Monroe, or by going to Washington as "Superintendent of Freedman's Schools" there. 

I have, since my return neither home, day before yesterday, rec'd a specific offer from Col. Eaton, both as to office & salary, & shall decide whether to accept it or to return to Fortrep Monroe, as you request, just as soon as I hear from Mr. Whipple - As soon as I hear from him I will write you again -
Yours &c.
E. Knowlton

Col. O. Brown
Asst Comm. &c, &c.
Richmond Va.