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I would make the following suggestions.
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That there be one [[crossed-out]] teachers[[/crossed-out]] home erected on Church Hill, so located as to accommodate Chimborazo Hospital, in charge of the Presbyterians, if they choose to take it

Another house at a commencement point near 1st Baptist Col'd Church, for the Baptist H.M. Society.
Another for the N.E. Freedmans Aid Society at a convenient point to accommodate school under its care at the Episcopal Church on 4th St. this to be the advanced school, same as has been holden in [[?]] of 1st Baptist Ch.h. taught by Miss Canedy.

A home to accommodate teachers of school at Methodist Ch.lo. on 3rd St. under auspices of the A M. Association.
The schools at Ebenezer Ch.lo. being under auspices of both. A.M.A & N.E.F Aid as heretofore should [[strikethrough]] must also have in charge a school in district [[/strikethrough]] 

Transcription Notes:
one -> [[?]]