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to do justice to loyal blacks as well as to white rebels?

I suppose you have commenced operations at Point of Rocks? Will the Phila. Friends direct their labors to that place as you hoped they would?

A letter from the Forresters says that the Colored people in Richmond think they have found a friend in Col. Brown"

I have seen Gen. Howard a few times & as far as I know him I am pleased with him. But oh, he has a vast work on his hands, to look after the one state of Va, must be a large business. Capt. Alvord at Alexa. has his hands full, but he seems equal to his task. I left Washington on the 21st. inst. & shall remain at my house two months perhaps. I feel a deep interest in the people of Richmond & would like to keep posted about their affairs. I hope to see them again sometime, & if advisable to work among them again,

What do you think of Gen. Pieroint