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[[Heading]] Penn'a. Freedmen's Relief Association,
No. 424 WALNUT STREET, PHILADA.[[/Heading]]

8 mo. 1. 1865

Professor W. H. Woodbury
Supt. Schools for Virginia
Dear friends,
I have the satisfaction to be able to inform thee, that at a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Penna. Freedmen's Relief Association, held yesterday, it was resolved to take the 7th (Lynchburg) district as one field of labor in Virginia, and to appoint a Superintendent for the same. The Friends Assn. have given us a verbal assurance of aid in supplying the district with teachers.
Truly respectfully thy friend,
James E Rhoads,
Cor. Secty. Penna. Freedmen's Relief Assn,
Prof. W. H. Woodbury
State Supt. Schools Virginia