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[[Heading]]National Freedmen's Relief Association, 

Francis George Shaw, President
Rev. W. G. Hawkins, Cor. Sec. & Sec. Teachers' Committee.
E. C. Estes, Sec. of Executive Committee & Business Agent.
Rev. James J. Woolsey, Sec. of Finance Committee, to whom letters in respect to Agents should be addressed.

Boxes of Clothing should be marked N. F. R. A., 76 John Street, New York. Mark, also, on each box or barrel, the name of the place whence it is sent, and the name of the person sending it. Send a List of its contents in each package, and a copy of the same, by mail, to E. C. Estes, Business Agent.

Money should be sent, in Bank Checks and Drafts, payable to Joseph B. Collins, Treasurer, 40 Wall Street, New York; and all Letters relating to the business of the Association, should be addressed to the appropriate Officers in their official capacity; while private letters should be endorsed "Personal."[[/Heading]]

New York
Aug. 10th. 1865

Rev R. M. Manly
Richmond. Va 

Dear Sir:
Yours of the 5th is rec'd inclosing a very sensible document from the Colored men of Richmond. 

We have made diligent inquiry of business men here who are posted on the subject of tobaco & its manufacture. They say that tobacco in Richmond is worth from 3 to 5 cts & more per pound than it is in Missouri & Kentucky & as the price is so high they are manufacturing only the finest kinds & at present prices it wd be difficult to induce capital to go to Richmond.

I will publish so much of the statement as will do good.

Will you inform us as soon as you have provided us a home for our Teachers in Richmond. The Missionary Freedmens Aid Union of which we are a branch