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Lynchburg Va
Octo 27th/65

Chaplain R.M. Manly
Supt F.S.

My dear sir.
It is Midnight. By telegraphic order from Dr Rhoads to day I start to Danville at 2 A.M.
Through the Kindness of the P.M. I received your letter one hour ago. 

Express my compliments to Col Brown and say to him that the facts fully authorize the statements of the paragraph you enclose; but by what original Authority has been also a question to me. Allow me to say I cannot help viewing it as a concerted action of the citizens and Military over the Freedmen's Bureau. I have never been consulted a moment on the questions or subject of transfer, nor Capt Lacy officially to my knowledge. 

Col Brown, however probably remembers the tenor of Gen'l Howard's remarks to some citizens and Maj Gen'l Curtis on Sabbath at the Norvell House.