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All money letters, and letters concerning packages of clothing, &c., should be addressed to W.E. Whiting, 61 John Street, New-York.

Rev. GEO. Whipple, } Secs. 
Rev. M E. Strieby, } 
Lewis Tappan, Treas.
W. K, Whiting, Asst. Treas.

American Missionary Association,
New- York, Nov 8 1865

Col. O. Brown
Asst Comm of Bureau, Freedmen &c

Dear Sir,
This will introduce you to Misses Williams and Dewey, whom we have appointed for Staunton. If they need any assistance will you have the kindness to extend to them the necessary courtesies they may require, and much oblige.

Very respectfully yours
Saml Hunt
Supt. of Ed'n