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meets three evenings in a week, (the church being occupied the other evenings) the first evening I had twenty but I expect the number to be greatly increased, so I expect to have enough to do.
Last Sabbath morning I started a Sunday School, there were forty present, we spent two hours together very pleasantly, and I trust profitably, studying the bible, I have received some "Good News" from New York, and some Catechisms and S.S. Library Books from Philadelphia which will not come amiss.

On the whole I think that things look very encouraging at Bermuda Hundred, the most that we need, at present is clothing to clothe a few destitute children, Mr. Hawkins told me when we were at Petersburg, that if I wanted any clothing, that I might draw what was needed here, at City Point, as I went

Transcription Notes:
"S.S." most likely "Sunday School"