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National Freedman's Relief Association,

REV. W.G. HAWKINS, Cor. Sec. & Sec. Teachers' Committee.
E.C. ESTES, Sec. of Executive Committee & Business Agent.
REV. JAMES J. WOOLSEY, Sec. of Finance Committee, to whom letters in respect to Agents should be addressed.

Boxes of Clothing should be marked N.F.R.A., 76 John Street, New York. Mark, also, on each box or barrel, the name of the place whence it is sent, and the name of the person sending it. Send a List of its contents in each package, and a copy of the same, by mail, to E.C. ESTES, Business Agent.

Money should be sent, in Bank Checks or Drafts, payable to JOSEPH B. COLLINS, Treasurer, 40 Wall Street, New York; and all Letters relating to the business of the Association, should be addressed to the appropriate Officers in their official capacity; while private letters should be endorsed "Personal."

New York
Jany 3rd 1865

Rev R M Manly.

Dear Sir:

I have just recd from John Walker Principal of the Chimborazo Schools in which position, alone, he wd assume to act, a bill, as follows:
Fitting up room $15--
Board - 13 days 13 -
Travelling expenses from
Petersburg VA to R 3:50
Washington 2:00

He further states that necessity compeled his leaving "Maj Yells"

He further states that his board and washing costs $28- per month I have no doubt of your willingness to accommodate us in every way in your power. I have some doubts as to whether we should ask you to do as much as you are now doing. Did I not understand you to say that Mr Walker could eat at your table with the rest of our teachers. Or have you thought it not best that this should be so.

What is your opinion of Mr Walker? We think him quite extravagant in his expences & a very poor accountant. Perhaps the fault is not all his, & Mr Whiting may be 

[[left margin]] will you send me a copy of your eport as supt of schools in Va

Transcription Notes:
left margin not done