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Many of the parents say they have taken their children away from the private colored schools and intend to send them to me. And there is no doubt but that I shall be overwhelmed, without a single scholar from any of the Association Schools.
The Pastor and Trustee of the Bute st Baptist Church have addressed a letter to the Freedman's Aid Commissioner. Offering them their church, beseeching them to prosecute their work, and stating among other things that one of their member has secured for the school thirty scholars, who do not [[strikethrough]] will not [[/strikethrough]] attend the Association Schools, and that the number can be easily increased to 100.

The Rev. Benj. J. Haight, D.D. New York is the Ch'n of the Ex. Coms. of the F.A.C. to whom I address all my communications. He is the best person to address.
Very truly and sincerely your Bro. in Christ. M. E. Willing