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Petersburg Va. 15th Feby 1866
Rev. R. M. Manly

My very dear Sir
I suppose you did not expect to hear from me so soon after leaving Petersburg.- Well, the parties interest in the school at Clarksville about which we had some conversation you will recollect - were here again to day, to see about the matter - As I told you everything is in readiness and the colored people are anxiously awaiting the appearance of a teacher among them. I write simply to call you attention to the fact, I hope something may be done for them. If you have occasion to write any of them, direct to Moses Carrington, Clarksville - then again - arrangements are all complete in Scottsburg for a school and one Mr. Jessie Bailey writes me the people, both white and black are anxious. I made partial arrangements in Scottsburg for a school, when I was there, and