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on the 17th of Jany, and the $20 loaned me by Col. Brown for coal for my school his Rev. Mr. Hawkins on the 17th with a view to the money being transmitted at once. Mr Hawkins said he would forward it to you the very next day. He has forgotten it evidently. I will remind him. 
I am sorry the President has thought fit to veto the Bureau Bill. I think he has acted very [[?]] and will live to see the folly of the measure. But the position of the Freedman must be maintained notwithstanding
Right will prevail
Remember me to Ms Manly & your lady teachers
Respectfully yours
Edwd. Barker

[[left margin]] P.S. Be kind enough to look in lot 596 & if there are any letters for me please have them remailed to me here. [[/left margin]]