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REV. W. G. Hawkins, Corresponding Secretary
E.C. Estes, Sec of Executive Committee and Business Agent.
Rev. James J. Woolsey, Sec of teachers and Finance Committees, to whom letters in respect to Teachers and Agents should be addressed.

National Freedman's Relief Association  76 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK
Boxes of clothing should be marked N.F.R.A., 75 John Street, New York.  Mark, also, on each box or barrel, the name of the place whence it is sent and the name of the person sending it. Send a List of the contents in each package, and a copy of the same by mail to E.C. Estes, Business Agent.
Money should be sent in Bank Checks or Drafts, payable to Joseph B. Collins, Treasurer 40 Wall Street, New York; and all Letters relating to business of the Association should be addressed to the appropriate officers in their official capacity; while private letters should be indorsed "Personal."

New York March 6th 1866

Rev R M Manly

Dear Sir
I have the pleasure of informing you that my application to the Auxiliary Society at Albany N. Y. to adopt your daughter Katie, as teacher to the freed people, in your city, has proved successful.  To day I have received the information that the Albany Society guarantee her support.

I hope this will prove acceptable to both you & your daughter.

Will you favor me with your daughters name in full, as it should appear in her commission.  & also inform me at at what time her services commenced.  On the receipt of her name & date of service, I will make out her papers & forward them to you.

Very respectfully
James J. Woolsey