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During Jan + Feb we had much sickness most of the cases were whooping cough several died with it. Mostly the people here are very destitute & the exposure to the weather probably caused most of the deaths. More than 100 have been kept from the school by sickness.  At present the sanitary condition of the school is very good.  We have 130 day scholars & about 75 at night- the latter are mostly men & women who work in the day.  We think their educational wants more pressing than any other & we have only those who cannot come in the day.
During a considerable part of January & most of February my only assistants were two colored teachers who just knew the Alphabet when we came here last September.  They did much better than could be expected.  In the last report the night school is put down to my name.  I did what I could in both the other schools in the day, but this one