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Petersburg Va 20th Mah  1866
Rev R.M. Manly.
My very dear Sir.-
Yours of the 18th is recd. Then you are really a civillian mustered out & "done gone" Well I hope you will remain till the close of the school year, and too, in the discharge of the duties of Supt. Schools.  When you go to New York please give as good account of me to my friends there at"76" as you can consistently with your view of the case. I mean to try and prove a "faithful Steward", and worthy of my hire.  By order of Capt. Barnes our schools all closed this day till further orders on account prevalence Small Pox. - several cases appeared in Leiler's School - we teachers have all been vaccinated, and "its took" -
Dr. Pratt thinks we may go on again in a week or ten days, and nothing serious need be apprehended.