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Charitable Department.
American Grace Society.
Instituted in Boston in 1814.
Committee of Charities.
Rev. E. B. WEBB, D. D.  S.G. BOWDLEAR, Esq.
Rev. WILLIAM C. CHILD, Secretary.

Tract House, 28 Cornhill,
Boston, May 20th 1866

R.M. Manly Esq

Dear Sir
I sent you, a few days since, a complete set of our Educational works for the freedmen. I would thank you to give them an examination.
They are thought, by good judges, to be admirably adapted to the wants of the class who come under your superintendancy.
We are anxious to have them introduced into the freedmen's schools as widely as may be.  If you could aid us in this matter, we should be very grateful for your help. And if you would be so kind as to inform us how it could be done, & how many would be needed for this purpose, in connection with schools under your care thay may be unsupplied, it would be considered by us a very great favor.
In finishing these books for schools, we are willing to give them to those pupils