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National Freedman's Relief Association,
(New York Branch of the American Freedmen's and Union Commission,)
No. 76 John Street, N.Y.

JOSEPH B. COLLINS, Treasurer, 40 Wall Street.
WILLIAM GEORGE HAWKINS, Corresponding Secretary  
J. MILLER McKIM, Chairman Teachers Committee 
E. C. ESTES, Sec. Ex. Com. and Bureau Agent.
JAMES J. WOOLSEY, Sec. Tea. and Fin. Com.

New York, June 30th 1866.

My dear Mr. Manly
Yours of the 26th inst. addressed to Rev. Mr. Hawkins, has been past into my hands.

It gives us pleasure to know you are setting things in order, relative to the Winder building.

The sad omition of providing for the accommodation of the Bureau officers, is matter of deep regret.

I suppose you have funds in hand to pay the rent of the Offices you have secured. If not you, you know how to find relief.

In respect to the arrangements for the internal disposition of the School rooms, & Home for teachers, we must depend upon your good judgment & taste. Indeed, we are incapable here of suggestions anything further than the old rule, What is worth doing, is worth doing well.

James Woolsey

Rev. R.M. Manly
Supt. Education