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New York July 5th 1866.

Dear Sir
Mr. H.A. Dike a gentleman of this city is very anxious to get all the information he can touching the Educational system of your State, and will be greatly if you will enlighten him on the following points.
1st" What were the sources of support of the Bureau schools before the commencement of the late war ?
2d" To what class were the advantages offered ?
3d" What class availed itself of the opportunities chiefly;
4th" What were the practical workings of the system ?
5th" What changes have been produced by the war, if any ?
6th"  Have the revenues continued, as heretofore, or are they impaired, if impaired to what extent ?
7th" What system of Free Schools exists now ? 
8th" Whence does the means of support come ?
Please add any other facts which in your opinion would interest the inquirer. Address Mr. H. A. Dike 46 Barclay St.
& oblige your svt.
E.C. Estes
Sec. Ex. Com. N.F. Relief Association