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Fredericksburg, Va.
Aug. 7th. 1866.

Maj. Gen. Terry

I write to you to ascertain if I can get a situation to teach the Freedmen during the winter.  My wife and I are here on a visit to my Father & if we could get a school large enough for both to teach would prefer it.
We have had experience in teaching in Ohio, and could give references if necessary. 
If it will be any recommendation I will state that I was a member of Co. E. 15th O. and lost a leg at Stone River Tenn.
I would like to commence teaching about the first of Oct. or when necessary.  Please state whether Teachers are required to pass [[strikethrough]] thro. [[/strikethrough]] an examination or not. also the terms.
  If there is no opening in your Dept. Please refer me to one where you think I will be likely to get one.