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Office Supt 4th Va Dist
Andersonville Va Oct 31st 1866

R M Manly
Supt Education &c
Richmond Va,

Sir:- I have the honor to state that your communication of the 19th inst, holy owing to my absence remained unanswered until the present time. In reply I have to state, that as far as the [[?]] of teachers has been made known to this office, every accommodation has been furnished them. Stoves for Schoolrooms have been furnished, and every known want supplied as far as possible.

Rooms for three Separate Schools have been provided at this place, but our teacher has exported - the other being a resident (Coleman) employed by the Society N.E. Br F.U.C.

All teachers sent by that aforesaid Society have been provided for, and the 

Transcription Notes:
think holy might be mispelling of wholly