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Crammond Kennedy, - Corresponding Sec'y.
Joseph B. Collins, - - - Treasurer.
E. C. Estes, - - - - Business Agent.
FRANCIS GEORGE SHAW, - - President. 
Henry A. Dike, - Chairman Executive Com.
George C. Ward, - Chairman Finance Com.
J. M. McKim, - - Chairman Teacher's Com.

New York Branch
No. 76 John Street
New York, April 8" 1867.

Mr. R.M. Manly,
Our committee want to learn a good deal about the school buildings in your place
Please state each of them
1st Where located?
2- Describe the building. Is it a church, or what?
3- From Whom or whence obtained?
4- When did the Commission begin to occupy it?
5. If any rent paid, how much?
6. If not rented on what condition is it held?
7. Is it used for a school and home or only for a 
8. If erected or appropriated by the Bureau, state the particulars.
9. What has been done by the colored people towards erection of the building or the payment of the rental 
An early answer will oblige
Truly Yours.
E.C. Estes sec.

Be as diffuse as you please - Mr Dike wants to use your information.