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from some quarter. I write now to ask if you can do any thing to aid me my school room needs repairs glasses in the windows, and to be plastered, which would cost at least some 15 or 20 Dollars, and I thought if you could do nothing more, perhaps you could pay me the rent for that 50 dollars a year, and the 20 Dollars for repairs, and then I shall feel better able to give my labors to this good object in which I feel deeply interested, but which from want of means myself and the great poverty of the colored people in this vicinity, I can not prosecute without assistance. If you can do any thing to aid me in this cause so deserving I think of our best Christian labors, and pecuniary sacrifices, I shall be much gratified and feeling sure it held a high place in your regard, as a field so worthy of our united Christian effort, is the only apology I can make