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[[strikethrough]] Julian Kluts [[/strikethrough]]
Lupus Latrans / Coyote / Canis Latrans coyote in las costas / Lepus callotis liebre/ Felis concolor lion / Felis Lupus wolf / Procyon lotor coon / Felis yagouaroundi onza / Lutra felina perro de agua / Didelphys Marina small opossum / Tapirus bairdii  tapir anteburro or danta / Procion [[Procyon]] Hernandezii tejon soletario [[solitario]] / Felis Pardalis Tigre in Ocelotl / Felis Tigrina tegrillo / Cervus deer/ [[/strikethrough]]


Continuation of notes
August 24 Left Hda La Parada 22 inst 
A buckboard took us to Arinal a flag station on the railroad there. we took the train back to San Luis arriving at 7 in the evening. We found everything as we had left it in San Luis. Skins all dry & in good shape. I left San Luis this morning on the 7:30 train & got off at Ahualulco. I am here expressly to try to obtain the species of Hetereomys 

Transcription Notes:
Lepus callotis - a kind of jackrabbit Felis concolor - a cougar, mountain lion, puma - all names for it. Felis yagouaroundi - a wild cat found in the Americas - other name: Jaguarundi