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pale yellow, under tailcoverts same. head, back, rump upper tail coverts greenish. When feathers on  crown are pushed forward a slight spot of rusty is seen about their middle.
4- Top of head and middle of hind neck, middle tail feathers black, Back and rump white and black bars alternately, upper tail coverts black, wings black with white dots in each side of shafts making bars when wings are closed, wings along web black, throat and belly dull white, also streak

down middle of brest. sides of brest dull white streaked with black. Sides and under tail coverts white barred slightly with black, outer tail feathers barred and graduating to centre. A broad, dull dulls white streak down each side of hind-neck from eye. streaks from lower mandible to sides of neck black, also black streak from eye to ear coverts. groove in bill from nostril forward. Toes. two in front and two behind, 
Shot 1 Harporhynchus, 1