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Rio de Moclezuma.
Mams. & Birds.
Procyon (tracks)
Urocyon. (tracks)
Mephilis. (tracks)

Sayornis saya.
Falco sparverius.
Mimus polyglottos.
Scardafella inca.
Spinus p. mex.
Buteo Foreabis?
Melanupes albifrons?
Cathupis mex.
Zenaidura macronra
Salpinctes obsoletus.

Oct. 20. Rio de Moctezuma
Leave Zimapan at 3:30 A.M. and travel through country almost identical in character to that about Zimapan until 11 A.M. when the carts crossed the Moctezuma river and stopped for the night at some ranches. We had made 7 leagues. 

Veg. Very similar in character to that about Zimapan all the way today. Here near the river cacti and especially several sp. of Cereus are more abundant than at Zimapan. The country is very barren and rocky and crops can only be grown on the narrow alluvial bottoms