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Chelidon erythrogaster. √
Phainopepla nitens. √
Mimus. √
Icterus. √
Scardafella inca. √
Polioptila. √
Falco sparverius. √
Cactherpes mex. √
Melopiza [[Melospiza]] lincolnii. √
Callipepla squamata. √
Ceryle cabanisi √

Iowa without having gotten any traps set.

Oct. 22. 
Spent mainly in setting traps and exploring the vicinity of the birds. 
Veg. Sehuias molle, maguey de palque, Mezquite, Yucca, Apautads (of sev. of.) Cereus. (sev. of) Ash, corn, beans, alfalfa, guinees, figs, peaches.
Neotoma - , Found signs of them today along [strikethrough] the [/strikethrough] some cliffs where they live in holes and crevices and carry in more or less fragments of catch to protect the mothers of their burrows. 
Oct. 23. 
Had very poor success last night with traps in good look-

Transcription Notes:
This is a list of birds