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Cyrtonyx √
Psaltripanus melanotis √
Parus meridionalis √
Harporhynchus curv: √
Pipilo fuscus
Chondestes grammacus √
Zenaidura macroura √
Pyrocephalus r. mex. √
Quiscalus mac. √
Melanupes √
Scardafella inca. √
Campylorhynchus. √
Sayornis soya. √

of about 9800 ft. After crossing this ridge the roads begins to descend immediately and a few minutes ride brings one into the small mining town of Santa Rosa at an alt. of about 9500 ft. The Sierra de Guanajuato is a rocky range of mts. some 8 or 10 mi. across and extends in a N.W. and S.E. direction.  Near Sta Rosa are a number of mines producing silver and a little gold. These ores are freemilling and the silver is extracted mainly by the patio process. The haciendas de beneficio are all or nearly all at