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Sierra de Valparaiso.
Cathartes aura.
Corvus sinnatus
Cathartes mex.
Melanerpes form (4948)
Aphelocoma. (4945)
Ptiliogonys. (4940)
Columba fasciata
merula nig.
Sitta mexicova (4943)
Parus meridionalis
Pipilo maculatus
Falco sparverius.
Psaltriparus melanotis.
Campephilus imperialis.
Junco cinereus.
Centia mexicana.
Colaptes cafer

to the west. The formation here seems to be granite or some kind of rock that is weathering leaves columns [[crossed out]] in [[/crossed out]] and what appears at a little distance to be masses of them wherever rock is exposed as for instance the top or brow of a hill.
PinoƱes and a kind of cedar commence at 7000 ft altitude.
Oaks. First ones commence at 7100 ft.
Pines begin at 7400 ft.
Pine (long-leaved) begins at 8000 ft.
Tamias -- First specimens were seen at 8200 ft.
Nov 27