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/Spermophilus macionrus,
/Reithrodontomys (11885)
/Peromyscus (com. sp) (11892)
            (sm-brown) (11888)
/Neotoma (11886)
/Heteromys. (11890)
/Sigmodon. (11935)
/Perognathus. (spiny) (11927)
/Canis latrans
/Peromyscus (prh-br.)(11912)
/Lepus. (11958)
/Lepus. (jack)(11978)
/Perognathus (l.sp.) (11926)
/Perognathus (sm-sp.) (11959)
/Mephitis. (11993)
/Dipodomys (11936)

far as Zacatecas.
Dec. 8. Valparaiso.
Return here today. 
Find a grand fiesta in progress and the town full of people. The usual merry-go-round and gambling games and an occasional bullfight. I went to one of the latter this afternoon. It was a rather tame affair -- the bulls not being very vicious. Here they usually let in a bull after the regular fight is over for the common people to play with. This afternoon they were given a rather vicious fellow with

Transcription Notes:
Heteromys I assumed was some shorthand for Heteromyidae?