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Lepus (cot)

Dendroica audoboni.
Carpodacus mex. fron.
Salpinctes obsoletus.
Chondestes grammacus.
Zenaidura macroura.
Circus hudsonius.
Guiraca caerulea.
Corvus sinnatus.
Marsh Wren.
Song Sparrow.
Spinus p. mex.
Falco sparverius
Thryothorus b. bairdii
Sayomis saya.

with the night telegraph operator. We got a fine view of the snow-covered tops of Ixtaccihuatl and Popocatapetl [[Popōcatepētl]] to the left of it. The volcanoes loomed up over the tops of some hills a few miles from Tula.
I took the train for Pachuca about 10 A.M. and arrived about noon. Weather today has been very windy and cold.
Tulancingo, Hidalgo
Jan 1st 1898.
Took train on Hidalgo R.R. at Pachuca this morning at 8  A.M. and arrived here about noon.

Transcription Notes:
Ixtaccihuatl is an alternate spelling for Iztaccihatl.