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/ Sparrow   4998
/ Spizella soc.  5000
/ Sialia   5003
/ Icterus   5004
/ Woodpecker (sur. br)   5006
/ Compsothlypis   5008
/ Mannikin [[Manikin]]   5009

same species found here.

Jan. 5th
Blarina -- A large species from Microtus runways along damp banks overgrown with grass and weeds. This species also appears to make runways of its own along the bases of little banks and along shelter of at any kind.
Microtus -- Several specimens from [[form]] runways mainly along [[crossed out]]a small[[/crossed out]] the banks of a small streams. These situations are always grown up with grass and weeds.
Oryzomys. Caught in a tortilla baited trap

Transcription Notes:
Huauchinango is the correct spelling. AGAIN!! REOPENED BECAUSE OF LACK OF SLASH IN [[/crossed out]]. Also fixed name of are he went to, and two of the birds' names.