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Crax globicera? √
Penelope? √
Merula grayi? (5140) √
Big flycatcher (5150) √
Myiarchus (5141) √
Melanerpes (5143) √
Vireolaunis [[Vireo Launis]]  (5144) √
Platypsaris  (5145) √
Icterus 5146 √
Tanager (l. sp.) 5147 √
Empidonax (Com sp) 5148 √
[[?]] (fork-tailed) 5149 √
Thrush (Chestnut under tail cor)  5151 √
Vireo (yellow stripe ovr eye) 5152 √
Minus 5154 √
Phoenicothraupis 5155 √
Phoenicothraupis 5156 √
Geothlypis 5157 √
[[?]] olivacea 5159 √
Scardafella inca √ 

Peromyscus melanotis.
Two specimens from a brush covered, rocky hill near the town


Go today to the Hda. del Carmen a large place about three leagues from here. Find the forest much better out that way,
Mar 10.

Sciurus. 4 specimens of the large squirrel were sent me from the Hda. del Carmen. Two of them are black.

Sciurus deppei. Does not appear to be very abundant here. They say that it is found 

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED AGAIN. Vireo Geothlypis -looked this up - NOT!!! GROTHLYPIS. GEOTHLYPIS is associated with a yellowthroat. Phoenicopthraupis Platypsaris Scardafella - THIS IS CORRECT, please don't change! On internet. *All above are ok. need fixing. numbers too far away also. Phoenicothraupis is correct - found with Tanager bird info