Viewing page 80 of 98

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Quiscalus macrourus ✓
What cheer bird. ✓
[[?]] aztec. ✓
Cathartes aura ✓
Saltator atriceps. ✓
Saltator (l sp) ✓
Falco spar. ✓
Passeriva (blue headed) ✓
Troupial (white bill) ✓
Polioptila. ✓
[[very faint pencil for entries of names below]]
Heleodytes  5161 ✓
Empidonax  5164 ✓
Tyrannus  5166 ✓
Henicorhina  5167 ✓
[[illegible]] 5170 ✓
[[illegible]]  5171 ✓
Platypsaris  5173 ✓
[[illegible]] 5175 ✓
Thryothorus  5176 ✓

mainly in the forests on the hills and does not favor the low ground.

Tanager (l sp.) with black head and breast. [[strikethrough]] Both ♂ and ♀ have [[/strikethrough]] The ♂ has a rather pleasant song and both sexes frequently utter a sharp call note.

Go out to Hda. del Carmen again to try once more for specimens of Sciurus deppei.

Sciurus deppei. By offering a dollar apiece I managed to secure two specimens of

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED!! I redid part of it, Papantla - this is correct. Quiscalus macrourus - is correct.