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Alta Mira.

Troupial (white-bill) ✓
[[?]] aztec. ✓
Amazona (yel. headed) ✓
Northocercus ✓
Pitangus desbianuos ✓
Myiozetetes tuensis ✓
Melospiza lincolni ✓
Columba flav? ✓
Tyrannus ✓
Icterus ✓
Melanerpes ✓
Dryobates scalaris ✓
Geothlypis ✓
Polyboruss cheriway. ✓
Cardinalis ✓
Fort-tailed flycatcher ✓
Engyptila ✓
Falco sparverius ✓
Mannikin ✓
Harporpochynchus long. ✓

partner to have paid $20000 this year in silver of of 130 A. Crates of tomatoes pay on an average $2 apiece.

Veg. Ficus, Guayaba.
Went out this afternoon about 2 mi. north of here and found considerable change in the country. The country becomes more open and the low forest or chaparral that covers most of the country near here is replaced by open plains with with a few brush and clumps of small