Viewing page 90 of 98

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Alta Mira.

Ammodramus. ✓
Campephilus guat. ✓
Ceophlo[[??]]s scap. ✓ 
Glaucidium ✓
Crotophaga sulci ✓
Xanitoura luxsiosa ✓
Molothrus. ✓
Tityra personata. ✓
Trogon. ✓
Icterus spurius ✓
Chondestes gram. ✓
Corvus. ✓
Momotus ✓
Icteres (med. sig.) 5240 ✓
Circus hudsonius ✓
Crested Bird, (sm.) ✓
Dendrocolaptes. ✓
Chelidon erythrogaster ✓
Phalacrocorax. ✓
Melopelia leucoptera. ✓

Lanius. One seen and shot on the open plain north of Alta Mira.
Neotoma. Two specimens of sp. stats build large nests situated usually in the midst of very thick patches of the wild pineapple found here.
Perognathus. Small soft found from the [[strikethrough]] sandy [[/strikethrough]] open plain about 4 mi. north of Alta Mira It was caught at its hole apparently. The sib was under a few brush in a sandy spot

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED and fixed. Had to also fix [[/strikethrough]]. This has been seen throughout these pages. Slash goes /, not \.