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Basilinna leucotis, Melanerpes formicivorus
Spizella pallida, Ortalis, Penelope purpurascens, Meleagris, Antrostomus Glaucidium
Spermophilus variegatus. Several were seen along stone walls soon after leaving Zamora. 

Yucca } Near Patamban.
Arbutus } 
Crataegus } 

Jan. 28. Remained at Patamban.

Went up from the town on the north slope of the Cerro de Patamban. A large cañada descends this slope and passes near the town. From near the base, firs extend up the slope nearly to the top. Two species of pine occur. One with very small cone and the other with cone similar to that of P. ponderosa. The underbrush is very thick. The slopes are steep and there are no streams. The mountain rises almost from the town, in fact the town is situated on the basal slope  of the mountain.

Noted among the lower firs.
{Zamelodia melanocephala  
{Merula migratoria 
{Merula tristis  

Near town of Patamban
{Cartherpes mexicanus  
{Tyrannus verticalis

Jan. 29. Remained at Patamban.
Spent the day working on the north slope of the Cerro de Patamban.
Glaucidium gnoma = 'Chiripopo'.
Anthrostomus = 'corcovi'
Corvus sinuatus  about 40 or 50 were seen, a few of which were sitting on some old stumps and the remainder on the ground near. I could find nothing that appeared to attract them to that particular spot.

Trogon  A pair was seen this morning, in a dark cañon on the north slope of the Cerro de Patamban.

Heleodytes  Several were heard making the characteristic grating noise, among the lower firs on the Cerro de Patamban.

Lower Canadian Zone
{Setophaga miniata 
{Sphyrapicus varius 
{Melanotis caerulescens 

Jan. 30. Remained at Patamban. Working on the Cerro de Patamban. 
Corvus sinuatus  About 10 were seen this morning, among the pines and oaks near the base of the Cerro de Patamban. One

Transcription Notes:
I think the words cañada and Canadian refer to the Spanish word for "glen", not the country north of the US.